EMT Body
緊緻身形線條,需要由緊實的肌肉、肌膚撐起。除了減脂燃脂,更要同時增加肌肉量,輕鬆打造馬甲線、蜜桃臀,不用瘋狂做重訓和節食也可以輕鬆達至健康身形線條。 VITAE EMT Body 增肌減脂塑形療程利用專利HIFEM™ 技術,觸發20,000次極限肌肉鍛鍊,速效增加16%肌肉1 2;同步誘發脂肪自燃機制,使脂肪細胞凋亡,從而在纖體之餘,達致健康緊緻的修形效果,並持效達一年。
科研實證 成效顯著
VITAE 身體療程 │ 新客體驗優惠
HIFEM™技術為 High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field 高能量聚焦電磁場,療程會以磁力輸出,集中在肌肉位置,刺激肌肉進行100%極限肌肉收縮。過程中只會刺激骨骼肌收縮,而不會刺激內臟的平滑肌。療程儀器已通過7份臨床醫學研究,並通過美國FDA及歐盟CE雙重認證。
1 Diane I. Duncan M.D., Prof. Dr. Ivan Dinev Non – Invasive induction of muscle fiber hypertrophy and hyperplasia: Effects of high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) field evaluated in an in-vivo porcine model, 2018
2 Brian Kinney M.D., David E Kent M.D. Long-Term Follow-up on Patients With HIFEM-Induced Abdominal Tissue Changes: MRI and CT Assisted Quantification of Muscle Growth and Fat Reduction, 2018
3 Katz B., Bard R., Goldfarb R., Shiloh A., Kenolova D. Changes in subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness following High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) field treatments: A multi center ultrasound study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas,TX.
4 Kinney M. Brian, Lozanova Paula. High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) therapy evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Safety and efficacy study of a dual tissue effect based non-invasive abdominal body shaping. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas,TX.
5 Carolyn I. Jacob MD FAAD, Paula Lozanova MD. Efficacy of treatment with HIFEM Procedure in women after childbirth. Presented at the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology Conference, 2019 Las Vegas, USA.